Help Josh Pursue Masters in Royal College of Art
Hello! My name is Joshua Wera. I am a film director, writer, poet, and youth action mobilizer. I hope to raise funds to pursue a graduate degree starting in January 2024 in Communication (Art and Design) in the Royal College of Art (RCA). The funds I hope to raise with your generous support will be used to cover part of my school fees, boarding, and food during the entire timeline of my studies in the UK. And I am very grateful for your willingness to help me.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Just to give you a little bit of my backstory...
I was born and raised in Yimbo, a very small fishing town in west Kenya.
From a very young age I have been passionate about education and its power to champion change around our community. This is partly, because I knew that I wasn’t cut out for sports like the other boys and girls in my school. And as I would find out through my long journey, education isn’t easy. But I had to stick to it because it offered me that much needed hope for the future. I was heavily fascinated by storybooks and photography, something that has carefully directed my steps towards storytelling. In 2015, I was fortunate to earn admission in Korea National University of Arts to pursue an undergraduate degree in filmmaking. I completed the program well and embarked on working on different art projects, constantly collaborating with other emerging artists in Kenya and Korea. I am driven by a personal belief that the future of artistic expression is collaboration. I seek more cross-genre projects with other artists to capture and express stories that are often neglected around our communities.
I also realized that when artists come together through work or discussions, we understand issues around us much better, and can easily adopt a common voice to guide our aspirations whenever there is such a need. Now, this is the main reason why I applied to join Communication MFA in RCA. This program brings artists from all walks of life and challenges them to find creative ways to understand life, humanity, and the world in general. It also challenges artists to find creative and yet simple ways of telling stories. The program has so much that I can benefit from and apply in my work back home in Kenya. I am a co-leader of a creative group known as AFROHADA. We aim to mobilise artists and curate community art events as a way of generating exposure and opportunities at the local level. During our short existence, we have been able to create a community of upcoming artists in Nairobi numbering around 500. I intend to continue working closely with them (during and after my studies) until we can grow and replicate our activities in all other small towns in Kenya. If you want to learn more about me and my work, You can contact me at any time about anything you’d like to know more. Thank you very much for your support! 
🖤 Donors in Korea can also send their contribution to:
한국에서 후원하는 방법:
Bank Name: Woori Bank Account
거래은행: 우리은행
Name: Wera Joshua Ochieng
예금주: Wera Joshua Ochieng
Account Number: 1002-360-500427
계좌번호: 1002-360-500427
🖤 Donors in Kenya can also send their contribution to:
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1297851781
OR You can also deposit through MPESA to KCB. 
Go to Mpesa, lipa na mpesa,
Paybill number is 522522
Account number is: 1297851781
Enter amount followed by your Mpesa pin.

🖤 Contact Josh with any questions or concern:
문의사항이 있다면 조쉬에게 언제든 연락 주세요.
Phone: +82-10-4671-1954
모바일 핸드폰: 010-4671-1954
Thank you very much for your invaluable help!
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